zebra background

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Isaak discovers the caterpillar

Papa Gary got this caterpillar for Jacob before he was born and now Isaak has discovered the joys of the fuzzy caterpillar. Luckily for me he has yet to figure out how to turn it on, as it plays an obnoxiously loud version of "Skip to My Lou" which Jacob recently went through a phase of playing at least 15 times per day.

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Family Fun Night

We went to Family Fun Night at church last night
Jacob went down the slide with Aunt Amanda.
Then Amanda took Kyle and Lily down the slide.
Then they let the little kids play in the pool at the bottom of the slide.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My little Superman

I just loved this picture and thought I would share it.
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Thanks Aunt Margie and Uncle Jack

This stuffed dog is currently Isaak's favorite. It was a gift from Aunt Margie and Uncle Jack. When we give it to him he smiles and hugs it tight and then holds on to it until he falls asleep.
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This is Jacob's newest obsession. I picked these up for him on our last trip to Target. They are still too big for him, but for $6 we not only get a pair of shoes, we get hours of entertainment. He is very peased with the fact that he can take them off and put them on himself.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mark and Shannon's wedding from our perspective

Hanging out with Papa John waiting for the wedding to start.

"Thanks for waiting Shannon", this is how Mark began his vows. Appropriate after 12 years, I guess.

Now presenting Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Shannon

"I can't be happy ALL the time." Isaak
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Mark and Shannon's wedding continued....

Isaak getting comforted by Pappa John.

Jacob and Mommy boogie down on the dance floor.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

You should see the other guy!!!

Actually the "other guy" is Pappa John's brick fireplace. Jacob was chasing Brian thru the house and tripped over himself and fell into the bricks. This is what it looked like after a few hours.

This was this morning. Not as bad as we thought it was going to be, hopefully it will heal fast and we can still get some good pics at Mark and Shannon's wedding.

At least he is still smiling!!!!
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

And then there were 5

My Father-in-law always said he wanted lots of grandkids, little did he know that he would end up with 5 in less than 4 years.
On the couch: Jacob (21 months), Lily (27 months), and Kyle (3 years 10 months)
In front: Isaak (4 months) and Morgan (1 month)
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Our family

This is our first family picture at the beach as a family of 4. Isaak was only 2 weeks old.
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Well I am new to the blogging world so have a little patience with me and I will do my best. I am setting up this site to share pictures with my family.